Homeowners on Municipal Sewer Systems are responsible for the sewer pipes from the home to the street.  The only accurate way to determine the health, safety and function of these pipes is to perform a Drain Scoping using high-tech cameras.  

Our Sewer & Septic Technicians can perform an evaluation to determine:  

  • Type/Material and overall condtion of these pipes.  
  • If there are current cracks, breaks or clogs, tree root problems, issues at the pipe's joints and more.  
    The camera is able to help the Technician determine within inches where the issues are located. 
    Saving time and COST for any repairs that may be needed!
  • Provide recommendation for servicing or repairs. 
  • Create a written report stating opinion of condition and ​issues and recommendations for repair, if needed. 

Consider a client we had in 2012: 

Our clients were purchasing a home which was on a septic system.  They opted to have a septic system evaluation performed before they closed on the purchase.  Our inspection found major problems and a failed septic system.  The estimate for repairs was more than $11,000.00.  In this case, the Sellers paid to have the entire system replaced prior to closing.  The Buyers' investment of the cost of the inspection saved them thousands of dollars, time and stress.  

As part of our INTEGRATED Inspection Services, we offer Septic Evaluations performed by highly experienced septic system technicians.  A home's septic system is one of its most important elements and is also one of the most costly to repair, should it fail.  

Septic Evaluations go FAR BEYOND a simple "dye-test."  

Our trusted technicians provide: 

  • Removal of lids to allow for an Internal Evaluation. 
  • Visual Evaluation of the Tank, Leech Field, Distribution Box, Overflow, etc. 
  • One-hour stress test to ensure the leach
    field is functioning properly.  

  • Recommendation for pumping, servicing or
    ​repair, if needed. 

  • Written report stating opinion of condition, functionality and 
    ​issues and recommendations. 

septic inspections & drain scoping services

Septic problems can be expensive and unpleasant.  A thorough evaluation is VITAL to ensuring the health of any septic system.